Publications du LEDi – 2018

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 Publications de l’année 2018

Publications référencées HCERES

Alivon F., Guillain R., Urban segregation and unemployment: A case study of the urban area of Marseille – Aix-en-Provence (France), Regional Science and Urban Economics, 2018, 72, 143-155

Baumont C., Fizaine F., Voye P., Does the Literature Support a High Willingness to Pay for Green Label Buildings? An Answer with TReatment of Publication Bias, Revue d’Economie Politique, 2018, vol. 128, Issue 5

Brillant L., Limits of arbitrages and interest rates: a debate between Hawtrey, Keynes and Hicks, in Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2018

Brillant L., Thornton’s and Hawtrey’s Influences on Hick’s Theory of Short-Term Rates of Interest, in Journal of the History of Economic Thought, 2018

Brillant L., Rojas P.H., Money and Central banking: Rist and Hawtrey on the Policy of the Bank of France, European Journal for the History of Economic Thought, 2018

Bui D. T., Llorca M., Bui T.M.H., Dynamics between stock market movements and fiscal policy: empirical evidence from emerging Asian economics, Pacific-Basin Finance Journal, vol. 51, pp. 65-74, 2018

Buttard A., Peyron C., Macé F., Morvan L., Pharmaciens et coordination des soins primaires en France : quels enjeux ?, Journal de gestion et d’économie médicale, 2018

Claude D., A reconsideration of the link between vertical externality and managerial incentives, Managerial and Decision Economics, vol. 39, Issue 5, pp. 526-534, 2018

Peyron C., Pélissier A., Béjean S., Preference heterogeneity with respect to next-generation sequencing. A discrete choice experiment among parents of children with rare genetic diseases, Social Science and Medicine, 214, 125-132, 2018

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