
“Les équivalents de production à l’hôpital”
“Employment, Growth and Development: A Post-Keynesian Approach”
Regional Currencies and Regional Monetary Zones in Latin America: What Prospects?”
“Agglomeration and dispersion of economic activities in and around Paris: an exploratory spatial data analysis”
“Oligopoly equilibria ‘à la Stackelberg’ in pure exchange economies”
“From imperfect to perfect competition: a parametric approach through conjectural variations”
“Growth and spatial dependence in Europe”
“Impact des changements d’entraîneur sur les performances sportives des équipes de football : le cas du championnat de France de Ligue 1”
“Transnational Corporations in a Global Monetary Theory of Production: A World-Systems Perspective”
“Is European Accounting Research Fairly Reflected in Academic Journals? An Investigation of Possible Non-mainstream and Language Barrier Biases”
“Recension de Daniel Treisman, The Architecture of Government: Rethinking Political Decentralization”
“Vieillard B., L’évolution récente de l’exposition aux risques psychosociaux en Europe”