Les Publications du LEG

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Publications de l’année 2012


Aubert F., Baumont C., Peteers T., “L’entreprise artisanale dans ses espaces de proximité : diversité des enjeux et des pratiques professionnelles”, Annales de la Recherche Réseau Artisanat- Université®, 2012.


Barnay T., Béjean S., Mathonnat J., “Accès aux soins et performance économique au cœur des politiques de santé”, Économie publique/Public economics, 2012, 28-29(1-2), 13-21.


Batifoulier P., Concialdi P., Domin J.-P., Sauze D., “Pour un renouveau de la protection sociale in Changer d’économie !”, Les économistes atterrés, Edition Les Liens qui libèrent, 2012.


Bianco D., R&D, “Competition and Growth with Human Capital Accumulation Revisited”, Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 2012, 148(4), 477-495.


Bianco D., Niang A.-A., “On International Spillovers”, Economics Letters, 117(1), octobre 2012, p. 280-282.


Bloy G., “Jeunes généralistes : un diplôme polyvalent et des trajectoires plurielles”, Le Concours médical, 2, 2012, février, p. 162-164.


Bloy G., Rigal L., “Avec tact et mesure ? Les médecins généralistes aux prises avec les évaluations chiffrées de leur pratique”, Sociologie du travail, 2012, 54(4), oct-déc, p. 433-456.


Bradley X., Piégay P., “Inflation and the Circuit of Income”, in Modern Monetary Macroeconomics – A New Paradigm for Economic Policy, Gnos C. et Rossi S. (eds), Edward Elgar, 2012.


Buttard A., Dos Santos C., Tizio S., “Networking Healthcare from a competitive call to a medical cooperation as a guarantee of a found confidence”, Revue Recherches en Sciences de Gestion, 93/2012.


Cette G., Lopez J., “ICT Demand Behaviour: an International Comparison”, Economics of Innovation and New Technology, 2012, 21(4), 397-410.


Claude D., Figuières, C., Tidball M., “Regulation of Investments in Infrastructure: The Interplay between Strategic Behaviors and Initial Endowments”, Journal of Public Economic Theory, 2012, 14(1), 35-66.


Clévenot M., Guy Y., Mazier J., “Financiarisation de l’économie française et modélisation post-keynésienne”, Économie Appliquée, 2012, 4, 39-78.


Desmedt L., “Les analyses monétaires pré-classiques au sein de l’Empire britannique”, Économies et Sociétés, série Histoire de la pensée économique, 2012, 47, décembre, 2219-2243.


Dubé J., Legros D., “Dealing with spatial data pooled over time in statistical models”, Letters in Spatial and Resource Sciences, 2012, DOI IO.1007/s12076-012-0082-3.


Fontaine R., “The Effect of Public Subsidies for Formal Care on the Care Provision for Disabled Elderly People in France”, Économie Publique, 2012, 28-29(1-2), 271-304.


Galia F., Legros D., “Does innovation is the only source of firm’s productivity? An empirical investigation on French manufacturing firms”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2012, 38, 169-181.


Gallié E.-P., Legros D., “The use of intellectual property rights by French firms”, Research Policy, 2012, 41(4), may, 780-794.


Gallié E.-P., Legros D., “Firms’ human capital, R&D and innovation: a study on French firms”, Empirical Economics, 2012, 43(2), 581-596.


Gnos C., Rochon, L-P., Tropeano D., “Employment, Growth and Development: A Post-Keynesian Approach”, Co-edited with Rochon L.-P. and Tropeano D., Cheltenham: Edward Elgar, 2012.


Julien L.A., “Stackelberg-Walras and Cournot-Walras equilibria in mixed markets: a comparison”, Theoretical Economics Letters, 2012, 2 (1), 69-74, doi: 10.4236/tel.2012.21013.


Julien L.A., “Stackelberg-Cournot and Cournot equilibria in a mixed markets exchange economy”, Theoretical Economics Letters, 2012, 2 (3), 300-306.


Julien L.A., Musy O., Saidi A., “On hierarchical competition in oligopoly”, Journal of Economics, 2012, 107(3), 217-237.


Legros D., Galia F., “Does innovation is the only source of firm’s productivity? An empirical investigation on French manufacturing firms”, Journal of Productivity Analysis, 2012, 38(2), 167-181.


Pichery M.-C., Vannier-Petit F., Vincent E., “AOC valorisation of terroir nuances at plot scale in Burgundy”, poster session, Proceedings of the IXth International Terroir Congress, Dijon et Reims, 25-29 juin 2012, 1, 33-36.


Pilkington M., “The French evolution: France and the Europeanisation of higher education”, Journal of Higher Education Policy and Management, 2012, 34 (1), 39-50.

Pilkington M
., “Economics as a polymorphic discursive construct: heterodoxy and pluralism”, On the Horizon, 2012, 20 (3), 239-252.


Salmon P., “From the Open Society to the Calculus of Consent: a long journey”, Public Choice, 2012, 152 (3-4), 299-302.


Soilly A-L., Ferdynus C., Desplanches O., Grimaldi M., Gouyon J-B., “Pediatric intensive care admissions for respiratory syncytial virus bronchiolitis in France: results of a retrospective survey and evaluation of the validity of a medical information system programme”, Epidemiol Infect, 2012, 140(4), 608-616.

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