Production scientifique

Upstream Product Market Regulations ICT, R&D and productivity
Spatial Mismatch through Local Public Employment Agencies? Answers from a French Quasi-Esperiment
La méta-analyse pour évaluer les stratégies de modélisation : Mesure de la dépendance spatiale pour des micro-données collectées de manière non-répétée
Technology Spillover and TFP Growth:a Spatial Durbin Model
Hétérogénéité des préférences face au séquençage haut débit : Une expérience de choix discret auprès de parents d’enfants atteints de maladies génétiques rares.
Syntheses of the scientific contributions of the ECOgenomics conference 2021
The circular relationship between productivity and hours worked: A long term analysis
Mass appraisal without statistical estimation: a simplified comparable sales approach based on a spatiotemporal matrix
Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding Variety
A reconsideration of the role of forward-marked arbitrage in Keynes’s and Hicks’s theories of the term structure of interest rates
Central banking under the gold standard: Rist versus Hawtrey on the policy of the Bank of France from 1928 to 1931
Thornton’s and Hawtrey’s Influences on Hicks Theory of Short-Term Rates of Interest