
Rojas P.H., Money and Central banking: Rist and Hawtrey on the Policy of the Bank of France
Dynamics between stock market movements and fiscal policy: empirical evidence from emerging Asian economics
Pharmaciens et coordination des soins primaires en France : quels enjeux ?
A reconsideration of the link between vertical externality and managerial incentives
Preference heterogeneity with respect to next-generation sequencing. A discrete choice experiment among parents of children with rare genetic diseases
Hétérogénéité des préférences face au séquençage haut débit : Une expérience de choix discret auprès de parents d’enfants atteints de maladies génétiques rares.
“Environmental Policy in an Endogenous Growth Model with Expanding Variety”
“The Strong Porter Hypothesis in an Endogenous Growth Model with Satisficing Managers”
“Past price memory in the housing market: testing the performance of different spatio-temporal specifications”
“Trade and African Regional Agreements: A Spatial conometric Approach”
“Upstream Product Markey Regulations, ICT, R&D and Productivity”, Review of Income and Wealth
“Tarification à l’activité et équilibre financier des prises en charge avec télémédecine : l’exemple du dispositif TéléAVC en Bourgogne”